Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Continuing our editing of the prelim task


Today in class we continued with our editing process. Here are some clips that I filmed for the group:

I decided to film the over the shoulder shot because I want the audience to see the mysterious figure stalking the girls, but I don't want them to see his face just yet, this is why I chose an over the shoulder shot. This is to help build suspense within the scene and the audience gets to see the stalker but not actually know who he/she is.

A second shot that We decided to do and I filmed was a 2 person shot. This was when Amy and Catherine are walking towards the camera then pass it, our eyes are then drawn to what we can see in the background, which is of course the antagonist. This is the script that we put together for Demi to read out for the voice over. We added effects to his voice to make it deeper and more suspicious.

"Do you ever feel like you're being watched.

When you think you're alone but deep down you know you're not.
A ghostly presence sends shivers down your spine
You say it's the wind, but you know, its me."

We all chose to write something that you would typically hear in a thriller, the antagonist speaking in a way to make the audience feel uncomfortable and suspicious of whats going on. We wanted to space the audio out to make a more frightening atmosphere.

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